Filter by Author: Sharon Snir

When do we Fall….up?

It’s not the first tme. I fell down a flight of stairs about 12 years ago. Nothing broken but oh the pain. So you would

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One More Day

I’ll let you in on a secret. It’s a bit embarrassing but heh, what the heck. I love leap years. To be more precise, I

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A Monumental Challenge

I set myself up. Unwittingly, its true but the ripples of the past two years have at times almost drowned me, occasionally pushed me over

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Are You Sleeping Beauty?

As long as we are present in our lives, there is nothing at all to wait for. Being one who strives to live every moment

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Who Am I Not?

How can it be already March? So much has happened already this year. I have a new granddaughter for example. This tiny new being weighing

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Making God Laugh

I’m a city gal. Born, bred, schooled and even married (at least once) in Sydney. I can negotiate peak hour traffic, park my car in a

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This is the Perfect Time

It is so easy to lose ourselves when we are bombarded with the thoughts, opinions and attitudes of everyone around us. Is it so easy

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