Filter by Author: Sharon Snir

Poles Apart- or are we?

There is a question I sometimes ask myself. I don’t like the question. More to the point I don’t like answering it. Inevitably my answer

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Love, Love, Love

The Wisdom of the Lion. Part 4 What is Wisdom? It is the integration of Knowledge with Experience. Who is the Lion? It is Me. It

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Why Do We Get Sick?

Why Do We Get Sick? We have all been there. Everything appears to be going well and then we wake up with a headache or

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Birth-day Blessing

How can it be? I can forget what I did yesterday. I can even forget why I went to the supermarket as soon as I

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What a ( confusing) Year!

Personally, politically, privately and publically. What a year! What a brilliant, bloody, bastard of a year. We all have stories to tell, memories we will never forget,

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